Refund Policy
Before placing an order, please read and understand our return policy information, as well as the following refund policy terms:
Due to the nature of our product manufacturing process, all orders placed through this online store may be considered as customized orders; Specially customized according to the customer's (your) requirements.
Please note that returns are accepted within 7 days from the date of receipt and are only for exchange purposes. Shipping costs are non deductible/non refundable unless you receive defective or incorrect items.
All returned goods must be in their original packaging without any wear or tear, and must be inspected and approved by us before being exchanged.
How to return the item?
Send us an email explaining your intention and reason for return. You can contact us to request a return address to return the item you purchased. Please log in to your account and select "My Orders" to locate your order and click "Return"
Order number (if you don't have it, don't worry. The full name and email address of the original buyer can also help us track the order) and prepare to mail the order back.
From the date of return shipment, we need a maximum of 2 weeks to receive and process. The customer will be responsible for transportation and any transportation costs. Thank you for your understanding.
What is the return shipping cost?
Please note that your original shipping fee is non refundable and will be deducted from the refundable amount. Your order may incur tariffs and taxes. You are responsible for paying these fees, and even if the order is returned to us, we cannot waive or refund it. The return shipping fee will be charged by the local courier company and paid by you.